Sunday, April 21, 2013

Ladies & Gentlemen! We give you, Charles Barnett III

...and in American Dark Age production news:
Just a modest example of the work Charles is doing
on issue two of American Dark Age
Although, we announced Bob Wiacek as our new inker, that was a bit pre-mature. Unfortunately Bob is swamped with other commitments from "The Big Two", BUT that did NOT deter us, because we have retained the skills and prowess of Charles Barnett III as our inker extraordinaire! You may have seen some of our recent teaser pages that we've posted on Facebook and I think you'll agree as we do, that Charles and Jacqueline's work together is just beautiful.
He is currently hammering away at pages with the might of an Asgardian thunder god and sooner than you think, issue two of American Dark Age will be shipping in to your eager hands.
So help welcome Charles in to the Megabrain family and feel free to drop him a message on either of our Facebook pages or our Twitter page.
All of us here at Megabrain thank you so much for all you've done.
We'll see you in the funny papers!

There's No Greater Gift Than Those You Receive From An Artist!

I just woke up to the greatest gift from Jac this morning and I have to share it with you guys.
-- JM