Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Geek of Oz: Comic Review - American Dark Age #1

The Geek of Oz: Comic Review - American Dark Age #1: American Dark Age by writer Jean Michel and artist Jacqueline Taylor is the first release from New York based independent publisher, Megabr...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

ADA #1, Kickstarter and NYCC!


It's been a busy summer for Megabrain. We've been so busy, it's been a little hard to find time to update the Blah too much, so here's a recap!

American Dark Age Issue #1 is all done, and it's off to the printers. We had a super successful Kickstarter Campaign and so those who backed the project should already have their own exclusive PDF copy of the comic in their inbox. In fact, we've already had a few responses! Here's a couple that'll make it into Issue #2's letter page:


I loved the first issue! I hadn't heard of American Dark Age before backing the project so I didn't know what to expect... I was blown away by the story and the art! I really liked how you broke the chronology of the story to go back to how it all started. Now I HAVE to read issue #2, you created such a good cliffhanger with those last panels!

Also, I wanted to contribute a suggestion for your "letters page". I immediately thought of "Blackout box". Merging black box (from airplanes) with the blackout of the story and with mail box. Just a thought... good luck with the next issue!


Ashley R.

 Thanks Ashley! I love the idea for the letters page name. I can not wait to read what you think of issue #2...

This next one is from a US Navy officer currently serving overseas:


Congratulations on ADA issue #1! I just finished reading my copy and have to say WELL DONE! When you put your lobes together, great things happen. Looking forward to issue #2!

Mark Y.
Norfolk, VA by way of Ridgewood, NY

P.S. Some ideas for your letters page, listed in order of personal appeal:

1. “Reality Bombs” – the tribute is self explanatory. In the context of the name of the letters page, “reality” implies those outside of the story; i.e. readers. And “bombs” are typically dropped, much like mail into a mailbox.
2a. “The Renaissance” – the end of the real life Dark Ages, and the letter page is, well… at the end. To many people the dark ages were a time of little scientific or cultural advancement and even less literary creativity. As letters can be a form of creative writing, the name seems to fit.
2b. “Age of Enlightenment” or “Enlightenment” – another name for the end of the Dark Ages. Same reason as above.
3. “Dear Dan…” – the guitar is a big part of Kat’s life, the name involves good old alliteration, and it’s a familiar format for Q&A.
4. “Broodings” or “Broodyngs” – as a play on Kat’s last name.
Mark, I'm loving these ideas. Everyone else who's read it yet, send in those letters and fan art to and make sure you make the subject "OK TO PRINT".

Now, in other news....

We've got our booth for New York Comic Con! We'll be at booth #1915, so make sure to come and see us. That'll also be the first place to pick up a print copy of American Dark Age Issue #1 (if you haven't already ordered it via our Kickstarter Campaign. The whole crew will be on hand, so you can get yours signed at the booth by artist Jac Taylor and writer Jean Michel (and your bitchin' EIC too!)

We're working on a web store so you can order our comic through our site, as well as other places where you'll be able to buy Megabrain Comics. So keep your eyes on this space for more news in the coming days!

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

Excelsi- no, wait, that's taken.

I'll have to think of something cool to say at the end of these things...

-Mike Vuolo
Editor in Chief